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Tizzie's Online Advice & Support

The Happy Baby – Sleep & Settling Clinic

Are you pregnant, have a baby, a toddler or a sleep problem? We believe preventing sleep problems such as sleep regressions is better than trying to cure them so how do you do that? We can help you turn a poor sleeper into a good one.

  1. Read both the sleep book (Save Our Sleep) and the feeding book (Save Our Sleep Feeding).
  2. Read the Safe Bedding Guide
  3. Purchase all the bedding on the list on this page that you do not already have or alternatively purchase a pre-selected bundle.
  4. Listen or watch Tizzie’s podcasts here.
  5. Consider joining The Happy Baby Sleep and Settling clinic (support group) talked about below.

For assistance while following the books and Safe Bedding Guide we have a support group. There is a small once off housekeeping fee of only $8 required to join.  This support group is a service for people using the Save Our Sleep products. We use Facebook as a platform for this service.

** Please note that this group is open for NEW posts during set hours. See the featured posts at the top of the group for the times **

The purpose of this group is to create a safe platform for Save Our Sleep clients (people who are using Save Our Sleep Products and services) to chat to each other, seek advice and/or offer it. 

How to gain access to this support group, please follow these steps.

STEP ONE: Download our world famous Safe bedding guide.

STEP TWO: Ensure you are using the Save Our Sleep Product which you may have purchased from the Save Our Sleep web store, were gifted or bought second hand from our pre-loved group or elsewhere. I believe you purchasing the bedding and getting the support complimentary works much better than charging you a consultation fee.

STEP THREE: Pay the housekeeping fee found here.

STEP FOUR: Head over to facebook, via this link, answer the questions and accept the group rules and guidelines.

STEP FIVE: Enjoy access to a supportive group where Tizzie, her team and other carers of babies and children following Save Our Sleep go to ask for help, and help others in return.

As noted on the group you may start new posts during our open hour. This applies to new posts only; you may comment/reply on posts at any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are closed to new posts most Fridays. This gives us a day to do a thorough moderation of the group. It also ensures that all posts receiving advice from Tizzie and the team are on track and have advice to follow over the weekend.

I hope you continue to enjoy sharing what you love about Save Our Sleep.

What is the best advice I have for a new family?
Since opening the Save Our Sleep HUB in January 2019 I have found it very easy to help families solve sleep problems. I have had more and more families come through the door thinking they had a sleep problem and they might need to go to sleep school or do something which I do not recommend like controlled crying or cry it out. However with a quick chat and some bedding and feeding advice I turn these poor sleepers into good ones. So my best advice is if a baby is warm and well fed they sleep all night. If your child is not warm enough they can get into the habit of waking up for a feed when they no longer require that feed for nourishment. The other important fact is a cold baby is at risk or rolling to their tummy to warm up this is a very big SIDS and SUDI risk for a child less than 2 years old. For more information on the subject please read my Safe Bedding guide.
From Our Parents
The online support group has been a wonderful community. I have on multiple occasions received support with routines, bedding, feeding and beyond. I’m incredibly grateful Tizzie has created a warm, friendly and supportive place for like-minded parents to connect. Thankyou.
Peta – Sydney
I want to use the word Sisterhood, but realise it is not inclusive. Sisterhood of SOSers. The advice I’ve received and still receive for my two children has been amazing, I love being able to troubleshoot and bounce ideas around with other SOSers. There are other groups out there, but they don’t compare to receiving support from Queen SOS herself and her amazing team.
Grace – Sydney
I think in a world where there are so many choices for parents to make about the approach they take, it is reassuring to be able to access a group of like-minded parents who are supportive of the same approach to helping their babies learn to sleep.
Megan – Melbourne
As a first time Mum, being part of this online support group has made transitioning into motherhood a lot easier. Support received by like-minded parents has been a game changer. This support group truly makes it feel like we are all in this together no matter what stage of parenting we are in. Thankful for Tizzie, the team and members that take the time to read posts and provide support for one another.
Marilou – Sydney
As a first-time Mum I have found the advice on this group invaluable! Understanding how baby sleep and wake times work and how to adjust his routine to help him sleep well (and keep me sane!) is advice I haven’t received anywhere else. I’m so grateful for the education I’ve received here.
Amy – Brisbane
The online support group has been invaluable for our family in troubleshooting issues we are having, making tweaks based on other’s experiences and helping with transitioning to new routines – I am forever thankful and a better parent thanks to Tizzie and this supportive network.
Danii – Melbourne
As a first time Mom, it was a struggle for me to completely follow the book. I wasn’t sure where to start. However, by seeing other parents’ post on my Facebook newsfeed, I slowly gained the knowledge to adapt, which is a SUCCESS for my first born. Although I have read the whole book on my second pregnancy, I sometimes forget about Tizzie’s advise so it is very handy to have the complimentary support group. I now able to troubleshoot my own babies’ issues (if any).
I am forever thankful for the invaluable knowledge, advice and reasoning given. Thanks again Tizzie and her team!!! From a mother of two happily sleeping babies
Ps. It is an honor to see Owen again on your post
Vira – Sydney
A common phrase in our house is “WWTD”?! (What would Tizzie do?) As a first time Mum, the routines and bedding have given us such good structure for a great sleeping baby. The online support group has always helped us through the routine changes. I’m super grateful for the advice and support! Thank you.
Sarah – Melbourne
As a first time Mum, this group has provided invaluable support to me. There is so much conflicting info out there and it’s so good to be able to troubleshoot with other likeminded parents. The SOS road hasn’t been easy for us but with the advice and wisdom I’ve gained from members and admin… this support group has been my lifeline. It really makes me feel that I’m not at this alone.
Melissa – Melbourne
Having used SOS with my firstborn and being told initially that you can’t ‘parent from a book’ (then to be told we were ‘lucky’ to have a good sleeper, the next one would surely be terrible), I joined this online community when expecting my twins (babies 2 & 3). I committed 100% to SOS, mattresses, blankets, everything, knowing how well it worked and how crucial having the routine would be with TWO newborns, so this community reinforced our choice, with Tizzie’s posts often reminding us of certain things that had slipped our minds despite re-reading the book. We are grateful for Tizzie’s knowledge and our confidence to stick with SOS, we now have 3 great sleepers!
I was recommended Save Our Sleep by a friend and started when a Bub was 2 days old he loved it. Back then, this group wasn’t around and there was the online consultation you could pay for. Which was amazing (thank you to Natalie!) My second, I had this group. (I would have paid again but it was phased out by then.) This group is amazing.
I definitely think it’s worth adding as some Mums might not know and really builds your confidence and makes you feel a part of something.
Clair – Thorneside
SOS saved me, with a 6 weeks old who never slept. I opened the book, used the bedding and routines and she has slept through the night ever since. Then #2 came along and she was perfect from day 3 on the routines with the correct bedding. Then came the reflux. However with the routine already implemented she still managed to sleep incredibly all night with the comfort and warmth of her bedding.
Grace – Brisbane
I came and stayed with Tizzie at The Happy Baby Sleep & Settling Clinic , Tizzie and her advice were spot on 48 hours after we arrived i felt like a new Mum with a new baby. I can’t thank Tizzie enough.
Jackie – Melbourne

(1 customer review)


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