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Top Christmas time survivial Tips!

I noticed of few of you voicing concerns about how to cope with Christmas time festivities as well as manage and maintain your children’s routine. So I thought it was a great opportunity to share my tips with you regarding this.

While routine is very important for children, Christmas is also an important time to share with family and friends. Your baby may get a little off routine on Christmas day but try not to worry, it is really only one or two days in the big scheme of things.

I do have a couple of tips that can make Christmas day a little easier for you.

1. If you are going to be out all day on Christmas Day or another days try and take your baby’s portacot and bedding as your baby will sleep better in that than in a buggy or pram.
2. Avoid placing your baby in an unsafe place to sleep, such as a double bed where your baby could fall off or pets or other children in the house could reach your baby.
3. If you plan to take your baby’s portacot and they have never slept in the cot before please use the cot at home in the 2 days leading up to Christmas Day.
4. Take familiar bedding and toys with you on the day especially your baby’s Safe sleeping bag, Doublewrap and comforter.
5. Make sure you offer familiar food for your baby and stick as closely to routine feeding times as you can.

Christmas time is such a special time of the year for families and often is one of the only times that many families are all together in one spot. These relatives and friends may not get to see your precious babies often so a couple of shorter sleeps and more cuddles and stimulation during awake time won’t hurt. You can try and encourage your family and friends to play with your baby during awake times and you can gently explain the self settling and explain that your baby will be much happier and more accepting of the extra attention and cuddles if he/she has a good sleep.

My main tip – please try to relax and enjoy this special time of the year with your family and friends.
Le gach dea-ghui, Tizzie

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